EOS Profit Tutorial

How to obtain annualized income through USN protocol and Swap protocol when holding EOS? By liquidity pool, you can get mining rewards and Swap transaction fees.

It only takes a few steps to obtain higher profits without loss. Let's take a look!

Step 1: Stake EOS to generate USN

Go to USN protocol: https://defibox.io/usn stake EOS to generate USN. The liquidation ratio of EOS tokens is 130%. It is recommended to choose a higher stake ratio to avoid liquidation due to market fluctuations. Select the stake token EOS, enter the stake amount, select the stake ratio, and click Generate USN.

Step 2: Swap USN to USDT on Balance Protocol

Go to Balance: https://eos.defibox.io/balance/swap, select USN as the payment token, enter the exchange amount, and get USDT.

Step 3: Participate in Swap protocol market making, recommended liquidity pools: USDT+EOS, USN+BOX,EOS+USN

1. Go to the Swap protocol: https://defibox.io/swap/, select the token to add liquidity, and click to add liquidity

2.Enter the quantity of one token, the system will automatically calculate the quantity required for the other token, click OK to add liquidity.

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