Explanation on the multi-signature setting of the EVM smart contract account by the EOS Foundation a

Dear user:

Hello! According to the previous BP governance statement (link), the multi-sig for EVM smart contract account is set as the following:

Account "eosio.evm": This is the main account of the EVM smart contract (evm_runtime.wasm and evm_runtime.abi, will be disclosed later), mainly with the following operations: init: Action used to bootstrap the EVM chain. pushtx : The main entry point for pushing signed EVM transactions, including bridge transactions from EVM to EOS Notifications on eosio.token::transfer: Token bridge notification handler from EOS to EVM freeze: An emergency operation to freeze and unfreeze EVM contracts. If the contract is frozen, users will not be able to push EVM transactions nor use the bridge.

In order to improve the security level and decentralized governance of the EVM main account, BP multi-signature will be carried out:

15/21 EVM main account multi-signature settings


Interpretation: The eosio.evm account creation and permission setting initiated by multi-signature, owner is set to eosio permission, active is set to multi-signature permission, and the weight is 6, respectively: atticlabeosb weight 1 bp.defi weight 1 enf weight 3 eosasia11111 Weight 1 eosnationftw weight 1 newdex.bp weight 1

Background information: https://github.com/eosnetworkfoundation/evm-public-docs/tree/main/msig_account_creation

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