BOX Mining Questions

1. Q: Why is my market making/stake/mint mining not generating income?

A: It is possible due to the large network delay of the wallet. It is recommended to switch to a low-latency node

2. Q: Will the unclaimed box rewards be cleared?

A: Your BOX rewards will be accumulated in your account and will not be emptied. You can claim them at any time.

3. Q: Why am I trading and mining without profit?

A: swap mining must have swap mining weight. Pay attention to whether there is a weight in the market making pool.

4. Q: What are the standards for swap mining weight?

A: The swap mining weight settings are all active weights.

4.1 Q: Why does the weight of swap mining keep changing?

A: The swap mining weight is an incentive activity. When the activity time expires, the swap mining weight adjustment will be considered, such as canceling, increasing, and decreasing. Please pay attention to the adjustment in the official announcement.

5. Q: Why is there no USN mint mining?

A: After the passage of DIP17, USN mint mining has been upgraded to USN application mining. This proposal hopes to promote the healthy development of USN stablecoins by adjusting the USN mining method. Currently, as long as the USN is generated by staking, the mining can be done. Too much emphasis on the issuance scale of USN, but it is not conducive to the price stability of USN. We hope that the USN stablecoin can expand more application scenarios on the premise of maintaining price stability, promote the healthy growth of the issuance scale, and achieve sustainable development.

5.1 Q: What about my previous mining rewards?

A: Your previous minting reward has been automatically received into your account, please pay attention to check it.

5.2 Q: How can I earn without minting and mining rewards?

A: You can currently obtain application mining rewards by providing EOS+USN and USN+BOX market making. We will introduce more USN application scenarios in the future. We hope to expand the mining mode of single stake generation in the past to multiple scenario application mining. The stable development of USN and stabilizing the price of USN and anchor USDT ≈ 1:1 is promoted.

Last updated