Create WAX Cloud Wallet (WCW)

Method one:Create a WAX cloud wallet

Step 1: Open the URL

It offers two registration options:

1. You can click "Sign Up For Account"

Enter username/email and set password to register.

2. You can directly authorize and bind an existing social media account to register.

Since the first method may require confirmation by email and invoking robot verification, the second method is more direct.

We will demonstrate by binding a Google account as an example.

We double-click the icon of Google Mail (account).Then click on our account.Then, after ticking the terms, click "Accept and Continue".

After successful creation, the page jumps to:

We see "XXX.wam" below the WAX icon in the upper right corner

This is your WAX account.

Method two:Create wax wallet by Tokenpocket

  1. Open the official website ( ) and download the Tokenpocket wallet.

  2. Click "Wallet Management" to create a WAX wallet

3.Click "Create Wallet, Create Account and Password"

4.Save and enter the private key, and transfer 2 WAXP from the Binance or Nexo exchange to the signupaccount account, and enter the remark memo (use the copy and paste function!)

5.After activating your account, you have a WAX wallet. Now you can trade on Defibox (WAX)!

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