RAM/bRAM operation tutorial

1.How to buy and sell RAM?

(1) Purchase directly through Defibox : https://defibox.io/ram/

2.Other options to buy / sell / Inquire RAM

(1) BjgONE platform: https://big.one/cn/trade/BRAM-EOS

(2) Newdex platform: https://newdex.io/resources/ram

(3) EOS Authority platform: https://eosauthority.com/wallet/ram

(4) Eoseyes platform: https://eoseyes.com/

(5) Coingecko platform: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/defibox-bram

(6) Block platform: https://docs.bloks.io/wallet/buy-sell-ram

3.What is RAM? RAM is memory.

As an EOS system resource, it is where the blockchain stores data. RAM is a scarce resource priced according to the unique Bancor liquidity algorithm. For more detailed instructions, please see the documentation:


4.About bRAM information

(1) What is bRAM?

bRAM is a tokenized representation of RAM. Behind each bRAM is a byte of RAM corresponding to it (1:1). Holding bRAM can be exchanged for RAM at any time without any fees. bRAM can be freely traded in the market and can be used as collateral in the Defibox protocol for leveraged lending or stablecoin minting and liquidity pool market making. It can also be used across the chain EOS EVM for NOAH Farm to earn additional rewards. More products will be developed in the future. There are many ways to play, so stay tuned.

Cross-chain bridge: https://defibox.io/bridge/

(2) bRAM contract: ram.defi

(3) RAM is stored in the Defibox protocol account: rambank.defi

(4) bRAM circulation query:

5.Bancor Liquidity Algorithm.

RAM's transactions use the Bancor liquidity algorithm, which is not the traditional way of placing orders and selling orders. Its value is calculated by the system and changes at any time. Increases as RAM margin decreases. The specific algorithm is as follows:

Price of nKB RAM: RAM price = (n * quote.balance) / (n + base.balance / 1024)

Please check the real-time numbers of quote.balance and base.balance:

6.bRAM Security

Open source: https://github.com/DefiboxTeam/ram.defi

Multi-signature: https://bloks.io/account/auth.defi#keys

Audit: https://github.com/blocksecteam/audit-reports/blob/main/solidity/blocksec_ramdefi_v1.0-signed.pdf

Recover+: https://eosrecover.com/project/abf43fae23ec

Last updated