About USN Agreement Revenue

1.The income mechanism of the USN protocol? Is it a linear release mechanism? The relationship between usnfees.defi, danchoriofee, danchorfines, collect.defi?

collect.defi is the total revenue account of the Defibox protocol, which collects the revenue from the three major protocols and the satellite protocol, and operates every 10 minutes according to the distribution ratio in the white paper.

The sources of income for the USN protocol are: USN interest, liquidation fines. When the USN system generates interest income, it will be transferred to danchorifee immediately, and the collected interest income will be transferred to usnfees.defi every 10 minutes; when the USN system generates liquidation fine income, it will be transferred to danchorfines immediately, and the statistics will be collected every 10 minutes. The collected interest income is transferred to usnfees.defi.

The usnfees.defi account is the USN protocol income collection account. For the stable and sustainable development of the USN system, a certain proportion of USN will be reserved. It is currently set at 0.5% of the USN circulation, so the protocol income generated by USN ( Interest + liquidation penalty) is not directly included in collect.defi, but is first collected in usnfees.defi, and Transfer 1/3000 of the account's EOS balance to collect.defi every 10 minutes.

The purpose of this is to trigger the system’s repayment mechanism and use the assets in usnfees.defi to repay the USN if the user’s collateral is not enough to repay the USN after liquidation. The second is to adjust the USN reserve. The third is to inject the total agreement income in order to make the USN agreement income more stable.

2.When will usnfees.defi be triggered to trade EOS and USN through swap?

When the storage amount is less than X% of USN issuance, sell EOS every 10 minutes to replenish USN. When the storage capacity is greater than X% of USN issuance, excess USN will be sold every 10 minutes.

3.How much (proportion) is transferred from usnfees.defi to collect.def every 10 minutes?

1/3000。Because the USN interest collection is a unified income when the user repays the USN, and the liquidation penalty income is also uncertain, so this method allows the USN agreement income to be continuously and smoothly injected into the total income of Defibox.

4.What is the role of danchoriofee and danchorfines?

Danchoriofee is the interest income generated by the USN protocol; danchorfines is the liquidation penalty income generated by the USN protocol; the assets of the two accounts will be collected and transferred to usnfees.defi every 10 minutes.

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