Announcement on the Defibox BP executions of multisig for EVM boot

Dear user:

Hello! According to the previous BP governance statement (link), the multi-sig for EVM smart contract account is set as the following:

MSIG EVM boot (enf & 3/6 BPs)

- Deploy contract + ABI - Contract hash: 885f087ffedf8b7163661430a5cf9cb8c9dd5ea0e137c806d50ca5bc7e4a1271 - Call init ACTION a. Chain ID: 17777 b. Gas price: 150 GWei c. Mine cut: 10% d. Bridge fee: 0.01 EOS - Set contract as frozen (no actions/transfers allowed) - Set freeze linkauth action to enf@active

Additional documentation on EVM bootstrap

Last updated